About Us

“International Gateway Co., Ltd. (IGC) has accomplished key achievements never before in the Thai Telecoms industry. Our leading pace has always been accredited to our culture, with our understanding that in order to improve the success of our clients we must reflect our internal working culture and our promise.
Our teams evidently understand that how we operate is just as crucial as what we accomplish. It is through the spirit of teamwork and strong sense of vision that we stride towards our goals.
Although we are focused on our core services, today we must recognize that International Gateway has not identified itself as being limited as a local telecoms company, but rather a regional telecoms and service provider. One that enhances all areas of its clients lives adapting them to the ever-changing interconnectivity and digital lifestyle era.
Our customers come as the first priority; identifying their needs and wants is the driving force that pulls us towards our eagerness to deliver.
We take the journey to pioneer the way in this fast-moving environment as we pave the way towards creating value for all our stakeholders and our vision.”